I was toying with the idea of driving over to the east coast on Friday to see a Falcated Duck which would have been a new UK life tick for me. Why toying with the idea? Well it was almost certainly an escape from a collection rather than the genuine article and so would only have been an insurance tick just in case it was accepted as wild. Being commonly kept in collections, this particular duck of the far east has had a most troublesome history with UK birders, almost all birds seen in the wild are actually escapes or what we call plastic birds. Indeed it is only comparatively recently that the BOU acknowledge that it could occur here as a genuine vagrant. The problem is that to be absolutely sure of a wild origin it either needs to carry a ring placed on it in its natural breeding ground or have had isotopic analysis performed on a feather which can show where it has been. I was hence very 50/50 on a 7 hour return drive for an insurance tick. In the event it was all ...