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Local Birding

I consider myself to be very very fortunate in these troubled times. Firstly, because I have a large garden in which I can escape and loose myself mentally. Secondly, because I have both Standlake Common and Dix Pit local to me for my permitted daily walk. 

One benefit of the lockdown has certainly been to make me appreciate the little things in life that I would normally take for granted. Seeing Wheatear on passage at their Oxfordshire hot spots in spring is a case in point. We were on our early morning walk around Dix last week when we got to the Devil’s Quoits and I said to Carolyn “this is about my only chance of seeing a Wheatear this spring”. As we walked around the stone circle I scanned the ground and stones with my bins with no luck. As we were about to leave the stones Carolyn said “what’s that little bird there?” and sure enough there was a Wheatear sitting on the stones. Cue childish excitement on my part! I have to say that it is not unusual for Carolyn to see things before me as she has much better sight than me. Today at Dix I had the first Sedge Warbler of the year singing its strange garbled song. 

I was in my garden yesterday afternoon when my friendly neighbour Mick suddenly bellowed “Stork! Stork Jim!!!” and I just managed to see it as it flew high over the river accompanied by two cormorants. Now I definitely would not have predicted that. Yes, I know it was probably an introduced bird, but I’m adding it to my garden isolation list anyway! 

Yesterday I had an early morning walk around Standlake Common and was serenaded by a dawn chorus on Robins, Blackbirds, Chiffchaffs, Blackcaps and Song Thrushes. At a point that I have nicknamed warbler corner I heard and saw my first Willow Warblers of the year. Normally I would have had a quick look and moved on but I paused to watch them for a while and they stared displaying by jumping around on the twigs and flapping their wings manically. This raised my spirts immensely and again made me appreciate how truly blessed I am.

Willow Warbler
I normally spend a lot of time in the garden in the spring, even more so this year given the lockdown and the lovely sunny weather. Warmer nights mean that things are starting to come out of their winter home in the greenhouse. The broad beans plantation is looking good – you’ve probably guessed we love broad beans and they have the added advantage of freezing very well. The tomatoes and peppers are in their final border home in the greenhouse and looking young, healthy and full of vigour.
Broad Bean Plantation

At this time of year the spring cherry blossom is stunning and our trees really have not disappointed. The combination of sun and no rain to damage the flowers has left them looking at their very best.

Cherry Blossom
The fruit cage is coming to life with the espalier conference pear and blueberries covered in blossom with the apples soon to follow.

Pear Blossom
The bird feeders are much quieter now than a couple of weeks ago as the birds disperse to breed. We have a number of nest boxes in the garden and one particularly one on the back of our shed always hosts Blue Tits. They are again actively engaged in nest building to entertain me as I drink my tea on our patio by the river and type this blog.

Blue Tit


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