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Showing posts from September, 2024

A fabulous day with migrant birds at Spurn in Yorkshire

   Wryneck Autumn migration kicked off in earnest at the weekend with good numbers of common and scarce migrants plus the odd rarity at the usual migration hotspots. I hence planned a layback days birding on Tuesday without the usual twitch pressure of trying to get a UK tick. The east coast was the obvious destination but I was torn between Norfolk and Yorkshire. In the end I went for Spurn as everything is quite spread out on slow narrow roads in Norfolk and I wanted to maximise my birding time.   Continuing my grumpy old bugger theme of some recent posts, I knew that multiple road works were going to wind me up and sure enough 8 sets of major works on route added an hour to how long the drive used to take me. All but one had average speed cameras and 4 long sections, including most of a 50 mile stretch on the M1, were the result of the shambles caused by the department of transport turning  3 lane motorways into 4 lane death traps for anyone stupid enough to break down. Current moan