My marketing director in a previous existence once said to me while we were discussing a high risk, high reward business opportunity – “Well you are a long time dead Jim!”. His meaning being that you only get one shot at some things in life. This quote has stuck with me and, perhaps, grown in relevance as I have become older. Recently attending the funeral of an elderly relative and celebrating her amazing life yet again brought this sentiment banging home to me. Moving onto Friday then ….. Greater Sand Plovers, with just 17 previous records to the end of 2019, are as rare as hens teeth in the UK so when one was found late on Thursday evening on the beach at Redcar in Cleveland I was itching at the bit to go and acquire a new UK tick. There was, however, a complication in that our Doberman recently had major surgery on an ACL injury and needs watching pretty much continuously. She is more or less on bed rest and is not allowed to jump ...