If I was asked to name my favorite UK bird I think it would be the Wryneck. This small member of the woodpecker family has the most subtle, beautiful and alluring plumage and is a really captivating bird when viewed at close range. They are sadly long lost as UK breeding birds and can only is seen on passage, mainly in the autumn. A small influx over the past few days had me scanning the bird alert services for a suitable candidate to visit. I chose Farlington marshes in Hampshire because it was only 90 minutes from home and I’d never been there before. In addition there were a couple of half decent pictures posted indicating that reasonably views should be possible with patience. I must say that I approached this trip with a certain amount of trepidation as I had had wonderful and unbeatable views of a Wryneck in Norfolk last year. While I was sitting on the ground it appeared from the undergrowth some 20 or so meters from me and proceeded to spend the next hour sco...